user 756495
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About Me
Front end developer and full stack WordPress developer, everything related to the UI, web components and SPA in React and Java Script, PSD SKETCH ILUSTRATOR to HTML or WordPress theme, Laravel, Node and related.
Responsive Web Design
Developer Certification, representing approximately 300 hours of coursework. HTML & HTML5, CSS, Applied Visual Design(typography, color theory, graphics, animation, and page layout), Applied Accessibility, Responsive Web Design, CSS Flexbox, CSS Grid. Responsive Web Design Projects: – Build a Tribute Page – Build a Survey Form – Build a Product Landing Page – Build a Technical Documentation Page – Build a Personal Portfolio Webpage Verify this certification at:
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification
Developer Certification, representing approximately 300 hours of coursework. Basic JavaScript, ES6 (Arrow functions, Classes, Modules, Promises, Generators, let and const), Regular Expression, Debugging, JavaScript Data Structure, Algorithm Scripting, Object Oriented Programming, Functional Programming, Intermediate Algorithm Scripting. JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects: – Palindrome Checker – Roman Numeral Converter – Caesars Cipher – Telephone Number Validator – Cash Register Verify this certification at:
Front End Libraries
Developer Certification, representing approximately 300 hours of coursework. Bootstrap, jQuery, Sass, React, Redux, React and Redux. Front End Libraries Projects: – A Random Quote Machine – A Markdown Previewer – A Drum Machine – A JavaScript Calculator – A Pomodoro Clock Verify this certification at:
Data Visualization
Developer Certification, representing approximately 300 hours of coursework. Data Visualization with D3, JSON APIs and AJAX. Data Visualization Projects: – Visualize Data with a Bar Chart – Visualize Data with a Scatterplot Graph – Visualize Data with a Heat Map – Visualize Data with a Choropleth Map – Visualize Data with a Treemap Diagram Verify this certification at:
APIs and Microservices
Developer Certification, representing approximately 300 hours of coursework. Managing Packages with npm, Basic Node and Express, MongoDB and Mongoose. APIs and Microservices Projects: – Build a Timestamp Microservice – Build a Request Header Parser Microservice – Build a URL Shortener Microservice – Build a Exercise Tracker – Build a File Metadata Microservice Verify this certification at:
Quality Assurance
Developer Certification, representing approximately 300 hours of coursework. Quality Assurance with Chai. Advanced Node and Express. Quality Assurance Projects: – Build a Metric-Imperial Converter – Build an Issue Tracker – Build a Personal Library – Sudoku Solver – American British Translator Verify this certification at:
Google Analytics for Beginners
Verify at:
Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
AWS Fundamentals: Going Cloud-Native
Learn AWS fundamental concepts including Regions, Availability Zones, and Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs). Learn how to use AWS compute, storage, database, and security services via the AWS Console. How to make an applications durable, distributed, and highly available Verify at:
Work & Experience
ALL:ACCESS. Gym finder and membership
Description: Gym finder and membership in these. The user searches for gyms near your town and the application, gives you information about it and the possibility of registering and paying a membership. Responsibilities: Frontend development. Convert the design given by the designer into user interface components. Document and test endpoints with Postman All communication between the app and the server. Manual testing. Technologies: React - Redux, React-routes, Sass, Bottstrap, MySql.
Gafa Pay Admin System
Description: Manage all the orders made to the Gafa organization and manage and add payment gateway systems. Responsibilities: Frontend development. Use a management theme purchased in React and adapt it to the project requirements. Document and test endpoints with Postman. All communication between the app and the server. Manual testing. Technologies: React - Redux, React-routes, Sass, Bottstrap, Laravel, MySql.
Kima Real State
Description: Real estate company, users can check the offers of apartments and the amenities they have and the common areas. As well as all the information related to contracts and payments and everything related to the agency. Url: Responsibilities: Frontend development. Convert the design given by the designer into a wordpress theme. Data administration logic with Advance custom fields wordpress plugin. Manual testing. Technologies: Wordpress, Sass, Vanilla Javascript.
Alestra Fest. Conference event website in Mexico
Description: Alestra is a company that performs technology talks and this website provides information to users about exhibitors and events, the schedule of events and allows users to subscribe to them. Url: Responsibilities: Frontend development. Convert the design given by the designer. Backend with Laravel Framework. Manual testing. Technologies: Laravel, Sass, Vanilla Javascript
Tiffany Real State
Description: Real estate company at Guatemala, users can check the offers of apartments and the amenities they have and the common areas. As well as all the information related to contracts and payments and everything related to the agency. Url: Responsibilities: Frontend development. Convert the design given by the designer into a wordpress theme. Data administration logic with Advance custom fields wordpress plugin. Manual testing. Technologies: Wordpress, Sass, Vanilla Javascript
Gafa Fit. New modules and gateway integration
Description: Creation of new modules for the sale of products of the Gafa organization and integration of these and existing ones with the Mexican payment gateway Conekta. Responsibilities: Creation of new modules based on the existing design. Document and test endpoints with Postman. All communication between the app and the server. Manual testing. Technologies: React, React-router, Sass
Republica. Real State website
Description: Real state company, users can check the offers of apartments and the amenities they have and the common areas. As well as all the information related to contracts and payments and everything related to the agency. Url: Responsibilities: Frontend development. Convert the design given by the designer into a wordpress theme. Data administration logic with Advance custom fields wordpress plugin. Manual testing. Technologies: Wordpress, Sass, Vanilla Javascript
Saqqara. Real State website
Description: Real state company, users can check the offers of apartments and the amenities they have and the common areas. As well as all the information related to contracts and payments and everything related to the agency. Url: Responsibilities: Frontend development. Convert the design given by the designer into a wordpress theme. Data administration logic with Advance custom fields wordpress plugin. Manual testing. Technologies: Wordpress, Sass, Vanilla Javascript
RisiKorp. Insurance company website
Url: Responsibilities: Frontend development. Convert the design given by the designer into a wordpress theme. Data administration logic with Advance custom fields wordpress plugin. Manual testing. Technologies: Wordpress, Sass, JQuery
The Barret Studio. Web Page
Description: Website for the chain of gyms Barret. Users can see the types of classes they offer, find out about the agency, create a user account to manage their subscriptions and streamline the purchase process since if they want all the billing information will be there. Url: Responsibilities: Frontend development. Convert the design given by the designer. o API endpoint creation. Backend develop. Creation of schemas and relationships in the database. App data logic methods. Creation Data Factoryes and Seeds using faker library to fill out the database with test data. Document and test endpoints with Postman. o Manual testing. Technologies: Laravel, Vue, Sass, Mysql, JQuery
Grupo Bordoy. Panama free zone store and shipping agency website
Description: Create the website based on a purchased theme, configure the different functionalities of the store with woo commerce and create a plugin that allows administrators to upload an excel and that data will be saved in a custom table and users to obtain a code of tracking given an identity document of the person receiving the shipment. Url: Responsibilities: Customize heme using child theme. Create and customize woo commerce store o Create tracking code plugin. Manual testing. Technologies: Wordpress, Woo Commerce, JQuery, React